Redemption and Youth

We’ve had a lot going on (I know shocker) and I’ve had a lot of time at home since beginning of February due to maternity complications and being taken off work – so this week’s blog is a little different because I’ve been chewing on some thoughts surrounding my sweet covenant group girls and their hearts/minds/love for Jesus- this one word and the life that surrounds keeps ringing and threading through my mind.


The definition of redemption is 1.the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil

I meet with a small group of girls in high school that are amazing thinkers, challenge my faith in amazing ways and have seriously the biggest hearts.  When talking about sermons and speakers – one thing I hear so often is resounding theme of testimonies that reflect need for serious redemption – whether a life of various addiction, criminal activity or disbelief in God completely.  I remember as a youth hearing from speakers about their stories of walking/diving through/in sin and then returning to the Father and finding powerful redemption. That “turning moment” for their lives is so clear and evident. Growing up it was confusing for me because in a simple mind I almost felt to live life with God to the “fullest”- one must walk through the darkness and return to the light….but what if I just chose never to walk those paths….would I still be as adored and loved by God as my counterparts… would my Redemption story be as pivotal as theirs? So here’s my take.

Redemption is the action of saving OR BEING SAVED from sin, error or evil.  There is the past tense that we are saved because the action already as occurred and then there is the present tense of BEING where the Lord is always saving us. Some stories concentrate more on the action of saving and God is using those stories in amazing ways.  Some stories just as powerful sit in the present tense of being saved – that’s where I believe I fit in.

I am not a person with a perfect life…I have made poor choices but never serious ones that lead to any horrible consequences or damage.  Jesus died and rose – he is my past tense that enables me to live in the present tense.  My relationship with the Father is as much adored as the next because I’m choosing to live in the present category.  I have not missed out on a “deeper experience” with God because He’s always been there with me.  He’s deeply connected to me and has never left my side.

Something so important for our youth to understand as they choose to walk and learn God’s way is that there doesn’t have to be a tough road to find the redemption. Sometimes our “turning point” is just deciding to follow Jesus and never look back.  It is free and powerful – available for the taking -because we are already so loved.  It’s GREAT to have a testimony that is not filled with sin and seriously poor choices – Walking with the Lord allows us to avoid a lot of broken pieces and baggage later on down the Road.

As a parent now to 3 little girls (yikes) – I pray that each day for them.  I pray that they will find the love for Jesus on their own and know that it is deep and true and requires NO baggage.  They are deeply loved and continually prayed over. I pray the Lord will send a man who loves God just as much as they do without them having to dig through the trenches.  They are beautiful, joyful, creative and strong and have already been redeemed because that is how they were created. The sacrifice has already been made for them.

I prayed to accept Jesus in my heart in the 3rd grade at VBS in a classroom tent.  I have gone to church continually since I was 5 – I actually still go to the church I grew up in!  I was active in youth and praise band.  I have never tried any type of drug. I did drink before I was 21 but it was only a handful of times because I did not like not feeling in control and my mom had told me horror stories of scenarios where if not in the right state of mind I could get taken or hurt – Like check the back of your car a million times prior to getting in because a man might be there with a knife stories…confession – I still sometimes drive at night with all the lights on…but she made me aware of the darkness and danger in this world and I appreciate that so much now.  I loved school and excelled in it. I was a “nerd” and studied a lot – sat in the front of the class – tried really hard. I struggled with purity but held firm because I knew there was a bigger plan for my life.  Love was greater than the fleeting feeling of passion or being “wanted” even though it is so hard in this day and age.  I was in one unhealthy relationship that changed me for a few years, I was really awful to my parents but I wizened up without some horrific outcome with some great counsel from Godly women I sought after and God placed in my life at a pivotal moment. The greatest man I had ever met found me and sought after me relentlessly in college until I agreed to date him and still does to this day thank you Lord!  I have read the bible from front to back but don’t quiz me on the old testament.  There are days when I am in the word and there are days when I am living in the word.  There are days when I yell at God and He’s totally fine with that (I think…) and days when I sing praises to Him constantly. There are days where my heart breaks and I have no words to share with Him. Sometimes I’m a great wife and all star mom (enter sarcasm here)- and other days I curse and raise my voice and irritate my spouse.  My testimony did not take me down any path of destruction but my story is still important and used by God. I’m still deeply loved.

Bottom line, In ALL things God works for the good – even if we can’t see it or the good is far off in the future.  God uses the broken just as much as He uses the steady climber.  Since the creation of man – we have ALL needed redemption from ourselves and Thank the Good LORD He already saved us through Jesus. – Kaet